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Frequently Asked Questions

A DNP project is a scholarly document that nursing students have to complete as a mandatory requirement for graduating with a doctorate degree in nursing practice. To produce a DNP project, DNP students must conduct relevant research with the aim of solving a problem in healthcare or nursing.

No, while these two nursing academic projects share some similarities, they are quite different. Essentially, a DNP project is geared towards translation of relevant nursing knowledge into practice. On the other hand, a DNP thesis is geared towards production of relevant knowledge to the field of healthcare or nursing.

Moreover, the end product of a DNP project is tangible artifact such as a policy document, standard operating procedure or a training manual, among others whereas the end of a DNP thesis is normally a written academic report.

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To successfully come up with a great DNP project you must possess several important skills as highlighted below:

Time management skills. You must be able to utilize the available time as efficiently as possible so that you are able to complete your DNP project on time.

Organization skills. Without great organization skills, it becomes almost impossible to produce a coherent DNP project. Such skills are essential for one to know which step must be taken before the rest so as to be effective in the research process.

Research skills. The entire process of producing a DNP project involves conducting research. It then follows that it is not possible to come up with an acceptable DNP project if you do not have the necessary research skills.

Critical thinking skills. It is worth keeping in mind that the goal of a DNP project is to solve an existing problem in the field of nursing. To tackle such a problem effectively and efficiently, you ought to possess great critical thinking skills.

Academic writing skills. You ought to be able to write in a scholarly manner for you to come up with an acceptable DNP project. Specifically, you must be able to format your DNP project using APA writing guidelines.


Generally, producing a DNP project is not among the easiest things that a nursing student can ever do. However, it is worth noting that the answer to this question largely depends on the capabilities and passion of the DNP student under consideration. For instance, DNP students who have great research and academic writing skills have an easy time working on this kind of project. On the other hand, DNP students who hate research and who have poor academic writing and research skills agonize over doing this task.

We provide a plagiarism-free guarantee that ensures your paper is always checked for its uniqueness. Please note that it is possible for a writing company to guarantee no plagiarism against open Internet sources and a number of certain databases, but there is no technology (except for turnitin.com itself) that could guarantee no plagiarism against all sources that are indexed by turnitin. If you want to be 100% sure of your paper’s originality, we suggest you to check it using the WriteCheck service from turnitin.com and send us the report.

The most effective and best way to manage the available time while working on a DNP project is by creating a work plan. Generally, such a work plan should clearly show all the activities involved in the production of the DNP project and the amount of time allocated to each activity. It is advisable to be realistic when creating such a workplan.

Moreover, you can decide to utilize the Pomodoro technique when executing each of the activities as described in the work plan. The Pomodoro time management technique is usually productive in boosting one’s productivity.

Yes, in most learning institutions students must write a DNP proposal before they can be allowed to work on their DNP project.

A DNP proposal is important because of several reasons. First, it helps DNP students to think through their proposed DNP project. Consequently, by writing this type of document, DNP students are able to understand better not only the nursing research problem under focus but also the suitable methods of studying such a problem. Secondly, this project is used by the examination panel to judge whether the DNP project that a student has proposed is viable.

Selecting a topic of a DNP project is such an important stage of producing a DNP project. It is good to begin this stage by identifying a healthcare issue that you can solve using research and relevant knowledge. It is possible to identify such an issue in several ways. First, you can opt to use your own personal experience. Secondly, you can still decide to consult experts in your area of nursing specialization. Additionally, you can still decide to read relevant nursing journals and other credible healthcare materials with a goal of identifying a health care that you can use as your research.

After identifying the research problem for your DNP project, it becomes much easier to select the right topic for your DNP project. This is because what now is left to do after selecting the problem is to narrow the scope of the identified problem in order to come up with a suitable topic for your DNP project.


Generally, there are three important qualities that the topic for your DNP project must possess. First, it should be related to your area of nursing specialization. Secondly, it should be specific. Additionally, it must be unique to allow you to produce an original DNP project

Yes, it is essential to review literature while producing literature for a DNP project. Reviewing literature is important while producing this kind of project due to several reasons. First, this academic exercise helps the student to better understand the health care problem of interest. Additionally, it helps students to know the theories that are related to the problem under focus. Without reviewing relevant materials, it becomes quite difficult to develop the theoretical and conceptual frameworks. Also, by reviewing literature, DNP students are able to know the most appropriate research method to use for their DNP projects.

First, you should approach this academic exercise systematically. You should have a plan for conducting literature review.

Secondly, you should assess the credibility of each information source before using it for your DNP project. It is also advisable to note each information source’s bibliographical information to make it easier while citing.

Thirdly, consider using a literature review matrix while conducting literature review. Such a matrix may be important in helping you synthesize relevant information from different credible information sources.

Never forget to cite all your information sources lest you are accused of plagiarism

Primary data help one to design a DNP project that is capable of solving the health care problem under study. Generally, the two broad categories of data that you can collect are namely; qualitative and quantitative data. However, it is worth noting that for these two types of data to be useful, you must analyze them.

Yes, it is necessary to seek the relevant approvals prior to collecting data for a DNP project. Generally, it is a must to seek approval for the relevant ethics boards whenever one intends to collect data involving human subjects.

The best way to analyze primary data for a DNP project is to begin by first separating them according to the category that they fall. To analyze quantitative data, you should use the appropriate statistical techniques. On the other hand, to analyze qualitative data, you must utilize the most suitable thematic analysis techniques.

Yes, you can produce your DNP project with the help of a professional. Utilizing such assistance will make producing this kind of project to be much easier for you.

Plagiarism is the most serious academic offence that you can ever commit when working on a DNP project. Essentially, plagiarism involves failing to acknowledge the authors of information sources that you use in your DNP project.

To properly format a DNP project, you should be sure to follow the APA writing guidelines.

You can tell if your DNP project is up to the standards by confirming that it has several qualities. First, it should be original. It must not be a replica of another existing project. Secondly, it should be relevant. Your DNP project should tackle an issue that falls squarely under your area of nursing specialization. Additionally, it must be well formatted. You must stick to the provided guidelines when formatting your DNP project.

While it is true that one can become an Advanced Practice Registered Nurse (APRN) with an MSN, a DPN positions one to be an expert in nursing practice. For this reason, an APRN with a DNP is considered to have higher qualifications than an APRN with an MSN. For this reason, A DNP with an APRN is better remunerated when compared to an APRN with an MSN.

Yes, A DNP program is more demanding than an MSN program. For this reason, DNP programs require more clinical hours than MSN programs. While about 500 clinical hours might be enough for an MSN program, you should expect to spend about double this number of clinical hours while pursuing a DNP program.

The Doctor of Nursing Practice prepares students to be expert nursing practitioners. On the other hand, the Doctor of Philosophy in nursing prepares students to be scholars in the field of nursing. Moreover, while a DNP centers more on translation of knowledge into practice, a PhD in nursing focuses more on generation of original knowledge relevant to the field of nursing.

No, in most learning institutions you must be a holder of a BSN or an MSN for you to pursue a DNP. A DNP builds on the nursing and healthcare knowledge that a student has gained in other lower levels of the study of the field of nursing. For this reason, it makes sense why one must be a nurse in order to pursue a Doctor of Nursing Practice.