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Over 500 Unique Nursing Capstone Project Ideas: Your Ultimate Guide to a Successful DNP Project

Picture this; you’ve gone through the entire nursing coursework with your lecturer and even done clinical rounds. You’re satisfied with your grades and impressed with your experience as a nursing student. We would’ve loved to congratulate you but not until you navigate the final milestone; the nursing capstone project.

If this rings a bell, you know how challenging it is to develop a nursing project idea and make it come alive through your content, leave alone submitting your regular nursing assignment writing. Well, you have come to right place because we have a team of the best BSN, MSN, and DNP capstone project writers to suggest the best DNP quality improvement project help ideas that can make your project shine on your big day.

Part of the reason we recommend you to work with us is to address any confusion you may have regarding topic selection. Whenever someone asks us on live chat, “who can do my nursing assignment?” We already know that the person may have explored a wide range of topics but is still stuck in which one remains relevant to their areas of interest.

In other instances, we realize that some of our clients select topics that have been overly utilized. This makes them run out of creative points to make their nursing capstone projects to stand out. If either describes your situation, your search ends here. We have 500+ nursing capstone project ideas in different categories, depending on your nursing level.  All you need to do is decide which one rouses your interest. Alternatively, you can rely on our nursing assignment experts Australia, UK, and Canada for professional opinion.

Structure and Importance of Capstone Projects

What is the Nursing Capstone Project?


A nursing capstone project is an academic paper that nursing students write and present as their final milestone of their degree program. Dubbed culminating paper or senior paper, a nursing capstone project showcases the students’ theoretical work, clinical work, experimentation, and facts.

Students can rely on this paper to emphasize progressive practices in interdisciplinary nursing fields thanks to its evidence-focused nature. For example, advanced nursing practices have revolutionized care delivery. In addition, they focus on resolving healthcare professionals’ disputes at work. With these combined, a nursing capstone paper prepares students for real-world situations, making the world a safer place to live in.

Nursing capstone papers should demonstrate the following:

  • Adequate research
  • Critical thinking
  • Problem-solving
  • Organization through proper structuring and formatting

Essentially, scholars like to believe that capstone papers are like stepping stones to finding jobs. It is why most students include it in their CVs or resumes. Therefore, a well-crafted nursing capstone paper can be a better bargaining chip for students looking to impress their would-be recruiters.

Why Capstone Projects are Important for Nursing Students

You have every reason to credit nursing capstone projects as follows:

  1. Having the communities’ healthcare at heart– They help you capture and address healthcare issues within the community. This helps you devise creative and progressive steps to solving their problems.
  2. Formulating preventive approaches– You just don’t focus on solving problems alone. Instead, you put measures to prevent such issues from wreaking havoc in the future.
  3. Aiding research– Your capstone project can be used as a point of reference for budding nurses thanks to the facts and evidence-based data displayed on it. This helps you acquire critical thinking, problem-solving, and other interpersonal skills, making you an all-round nurse.
  4. Where classwork meets professional practice– Nursing concepts, theories, principles, and other models can be implemented in the real-world through nursing capstone papers
  5. The stepping stone to launching your area of interest– Whether you want to be a nursing consultant, geriatric caregiver, or a pediatric nurse, a capstone paper can help you achieve whatever you dream of.


Impressive nursing capstone projects thrive on a solid research proposal that will spearhead its other structures. Therefore, expect to work on your project between one and two semesters.

Difference between a Nursing Capstone Project and a Nursing Thesis

If you’re like most nursing students approaching us for online assignment help, you likely confuse between a capstone project and thesis. While they are completed during the final term as culminating, they’re different in the following ways:

  1. Grading

A student completing a thesis/ dissertation may take ½ an hour to several hours defending their paper before a panel to determine if they passed.  On the other hand, a student defending their capstone paper might wait for a few days or weeks for a letter indicating they’ve passed or not (preferably on a percentage basis). If they aren’t satisfied with their results, they can contest the decision by filing an appeal or redo it during the following year.

  1. Duration

Thesis papers might take two to three years to complete while capstones might take around one or two semesters (four to 12 weeks).

  1. Programs

Thesis papers are for a master’s program which can be published in healthcare journals while capstones for undergraduate to graduate programs.

Essentially, thesis/ dissertation and capstones are the groundwork for evidence-based practice, helping students to transition from their classroom to the real-world.

Crafting a Top-Notch Capstone Project

While your school’s requirement for crafting nursing capstone project might be unique, the only thing that might equate yours to the rest is the evidence-based practice. Otherwise, most students who need help doing a DNP project or any other level can attest that the structure almost remains similar to MSN and BSN.  Once you have a solid foundation, we’ll guide you through the process of writing a DNP project:

 Creating a Nursing Capstone Project: Step-by-Step

  1. Introduction/Abstract

This first segment of your capstone project introduces its goals/objectives, scope, and significance of the research. Ensure you use short and clear thesis statements to outline the main argument of your study area.

  1. Literature review

Here, you offer information from sources you researched in. Provide an overview of the existing research and knowledge on the study area. Also, ensure you tweak your content to match the relevant and recent sources and cite them appropriately.

  1. Methodology

This segment involves providing concise and in-depth description of how you researched the information. You might discuss the following:

  • Data collection– Mention all the methods you used to collect the data including surveys, interviews, or observational data sources
  • Research design– Details the general technique used to obtain data for example, qualitative, quantitative, or both. It also highlights the research questions and the strategy for sampling.
  • Ethical considerations- Acknowledging participants’ while safeguarding their confidentiality and privacy
  • Limitations- anything (weaknesses or drawbacks) that may have tampered with the research. Discuss how this affected the quality of data or sample size.
  1. Discussion

This section put all the research findings in one place and analyzes the results: it highlights the following:

  • Summary of findings- Use short and concise words to describe the summary of your findings
  • Interpretation of the results- Explain how you arrived at your findings using graphs, charts, or any other method
  • Comparison with other research- Justifying the differences between your research and previous ones
  • Implications of your findings- Discuss how your findings will impact others in the field of study.
  1. Conclusion

This is a culminating section where you objectively summarize the data you’ve gathered. You can use figures or tables to redirect your readers to the general objective of the research.

  1. Recommendations

This section advises readers where needs further research and suggests practical avenues for the same.

Where to Get Suitable Nursing Project Ideas

Where you source information for nursing capstone project ideas plays a significant role in determining the quality of your content. Once you’ve identified your area of interest, it would be best if you found the necessary resources for your project. We recommend you to try the following:

  1. Class Notes and Past Capstone Projects

Whether you’re a DNP, BSN, or MSN student, your tutor will avail some class notes. These notes contain course objectives and other requirements as approved by your school. Explore all the objectives so that you can keep abreast with everything your school requires. Alternatively, use your past papers, research papers, and other materials you’ve previously used in class to get inspired.

  1. Nursing News Articles

Nowadays, any latest information you require is at the click of the button. Consequently, Google is an excellent search engine for obtaining news articles surrounding your topic. At least you will get first-hand information without breaking a sweat. However, be careful not to choose any news article as some don’t come from verified sources.

  1. Clinical Rounds

They say, “Seeing is believing,” which is why clinical rounds qualify as excellent sources for nursing capstone ideas because you get first-hand experience on how nursing works. Probably, you will be doing the rounds under a professional alongside your peers, helping you to discern many issues. Also, these rounds give you a sense of belonging because you can differentiate between evidence-based practice and other nursing care dynamics.

  1. Read Nursing Journal Articles

By now, you’ve realized that nursing journal articles and news articles almost go hand-in-hand, but the difference might be the scope and timing. Nursing journal articles are mostly written by scholars who’ve extensively explored various insights surrounding nursing practices.

As you comb through the information, find out if any gaps have been filled since the last publications. For example, if you’re researching a topic regarding “nurse burnout”, ask yourself, “Which measures have hospitals put in place to ensure the same doesn’t occur?” The answer you obtain can form a basis to present and back your argument. You can also suggest better ways that nurses can navigate burnout so that your readers can understand how you arrived at your conclusion.

Idea Generation: A World of Possibilities

Now, let’s unleash your creativity! We’ve compiled over 500 project ideas categorized by area of focus, providing a springboard for your own unique project:

General Nursing Capstone Project Ideas

The perks of exploring these ideas are many including a wide range of content and they don’t limit your scope. Get inspired through the following ideas:

  1. Alleviating chronic pain through physiotherapy
  2. The rationale of ongoing training for nursing leadership
  3. How unhealthy lifestyle habits impact women’s fertility rates in the US
  4. Addressing child obesity at home
  5. Why IVF is becoming popular in the urban folks in the US
  6. Why at-home delivery services grew popular during the COVID-19 pandemic
  7. Top five diseases affecting men of the reproductive age
  8. Why infant mortality has reduced since 1999
  9. Caring for geriatric patients
  10. Robotic surgery: Is it disruptive human surgeons?
  11. Adolescents and preteen pregnancies
  12. Going to therapy as a nurse
  13. Healthcare policies in the US vs. UK: Whose is better?
  14. How TikTok binge-eating videos affect patients with bulimia
  15. Why celebrities are advocating for clean eating
  16. Vegan vs. Meat dieting: When will the debate end?
  17. How to be a registered nurse (RN) after school
  18. How the Afro-American population feel about post-colonial racism
  19. The qualities of a good nursing leader
  20. Nursing burnout and COVID-19
  21. Patients preferring mail services for ARV treatments
  22. Why you might need to contact your doctor online
  23. Healthcare insurance firms to avoid in 2024
  24. How HMOs might enhance care for better patient care
  25. Why you need to lose 10lbs per week
  26. Embracing e-learning in healthcare management
  27. The relationship between better present-day systems and efficient nursing information storage
  28. Keeping nurses from facing more mental health problems at work
  29. How to care for foreign patients
  30. The best nursing management practices in 2024
  31. The effects of sexual harassment on nurses at the workplace
  32. How nurses can handle patients with HIV/AIDS without prejudice
  33. Creating opportunities for dealing with the elderly in nursing homes
  34. How nursing leaders can streamline healthcare
  35. Nurses in private and public hospitals: who are better?
  36. How modern nurse leaders navigate their work
  37. Why registered nurses should go for therapy
  38. Preventing fallouts between nurses and other healthcare workers
  39. Facts and findings about nurses in the late 1990s
  40. Keeping doctors from overwhelming nurses
  41. How to address ER conflicts between nurses and other healthcare workers
  42. Evaluating nursing leaders in different settings
  43. Why incorporate cardio in your exercise routine
  44. How nursing systems affect hospitals’ morbidity rate
  45. Why maternal deaths have reduced over the years
  46. Dealing with depression as a nurse
  47. Do nurses have to wear scrubs?
  48. The effects of hypertension during pregnancy
  49. Addressing endometriosis and painful bleeding in women
  50. How breastfeeding impacts children’s immunity levels

Nursing Capstone Project Ideas for Mental Health

There are many ideas around mental health issues to explore including:

  1. The psychological effects of sexual abuse in children below 13
  2. Amphetamine dependence
  3. Addressing the opioid pandemic
  4. Staff safety in psychiatric centers
  5. Alleviating suicidal thoughts in nurses
  6. How domestic violence can affect children
  7. Avoiding stigmatization against mentally disabled nurses
  8. Teenagers and early exposure to substance abuse
  9. How homelessness can impact mental health
  10. How prolonged screen-time affects children’s learning ability
  11. Meeting your psychologist telepathically: The Do’s and Don’ts
  12. Alleviating trauma in women of GBV
  13. Mental diseases and nursing autonomous decision-making
  14. Do patients with bipolar disorder require in-patient care?
  15. Depression and anxiety: Are they related?
  16. How nurses can help women with postpartum depression
  17. Nursing care in mental health programs
  18. Could COVID-19 pandemic be the cause for the rise in suicides?
  19. Mental therapy for war veterans with PTSD
  20. Why advocate for health education for patients with mental illnesses
  21. Mental health nursing for geriatrics
  22. The relationship between art and mental health
  23. Dealing with bipolar disorder patients
  24. How adult nurses can navigate services in the psychiatry department
  25. Discussing predisposing factors to amphetamines in emergency response
  26. The role of technological advancements in addressing mental health issues
  27. The best approach to promoting mental health among children
  28. How divorce affects spouses’ mental health wellbeing
  29. Assessing promptness for psychological rehabilitation
  30. Can patients with dementia get treated the non-pharmacological way?
  31. The top five reasons to educate women about mental health
  32. Evaluating school-based mental health programs and interventions on stress reduction among adolescents
  33. Evaluating IT services in streamlining psychiatry
  34. Developing and evaluating community-based initiatives for reducing opioid overdose fatalities
  35. Why should healthcare facilities avail services for victims of substance addiction?
  36. Evaluating the mental health challenges of pregnant individuals with substance use disorders: paying attention to fetal and maternal health outcomes
  37. Investigating the common ethical challenges nurses face in psychiatry care
  38. Assessing critical care nursing through mental health patients
  39. Discussing the state of mental health service provision among the adolescents in rural areas
  40. How nurses can address pain management in patients with dementia
  41. The qualities a nurse should have to treat dementia patients
  42. A case study of urban children of mothers with substance abuse and other mental health problems
  43. How different cultures address mental health counseling
  44. The relationship between physical activities and mental health of dementia patients in the US
  45. Investigating the effect of nursing interventions in improving patient outcomes in psychiatry care
  46. Exploring the role of nursing in accentuating safe and effective rehabilitation for mental health patients
  47. Safety protocols for the investigating of domestic violence: the knowledge and reaction of nursing students
  48. A systematic literature review on nurse coping strategies when managing schizophrenia patients
  49. Understanding OCD patients
  50. Keeping up with your peace of mind as a nurse in a mental health institution
  51. Discussing the availability of mental health programs in rural settings

Women’s Health Capstone Project Ideas

The beauty of women’s health capstone ideas is that they explore women’s wellbeing and other health issues like sexual, mental, and reproductive health. Have fun choosing one of these topics.

  1. Nursing care in the child delivery room
  2. Still-born statistics in the US
  3. The relationship between nutrition and healthy pregnancy
  4. Hypertension prevention in pregnancy
  5. Breast cancer awareness
  6. Painful bleeding and endometriosis: Are they related?
  7. Why sexually abused women risk depression
  8. HPV and cervical cancer: What’s the link?
  9. Health education for women of the reproductive age
  10. Irregular periods
  11. Going for IVF as a woman with infertility problems
  12. Nutritional management in pregnant women
  13. Normal delivery vs. caesarian section
  14. Heart disease awareness in older women
  15. General health interventions for women with STDs
  16. Holistic approaches for women’s health issues
  17. The signs of post-partum depression in young mothers
  18. The role of nursing in promoting safe and effective medication disposal
  19. The differences between nursing of infants and older children
  20. Investigating the role of nursing interventions on women with endometriosis
  21. How nurses can promote breastfeeding among mothers with premature infants
  22. Nursing interventions in improving women’s health outcomes
  23. Are midwives important to pregnant women in rural areas?
  24. The significant roles of nursing interventions in promoting healthy lifestyles in women
  25. The attitude and behavior of nurses towards women with HIV
  26. Smoking during pregnancy: what are the consequences?
  27. Discussing the role of nursing in promoting female condoms
  28. Women care standards in the UK: comparing nursing practices in public and private hospitals
  29. Assessing the efficiency of nursing interventions in managing fibroids
  30. Are women doctors more equipped to handle women’s issues than their male counterparts?
  31. Exploring the role of community health nursing in promoting wellbeing in vulnerable women after the COVID-19 pandemic
  32. The role of nursing education in promoting health awareness among women
  33. Examining common women’s mental health issues
  34. Managing menstrual pain: How can nurses help?
  35. Exploring the effectiveness of nursing interventions in promoting healthy lifestyle habits among women
  36. Discussing the myths and facts surrounding caesarian section
  37. Why rape cases haven’t declined
  38. Perception and attitude of women towards modern birth control methods
  39. Rehabilitating pregnant women with drug addiction
  40. Should teenagers be allowed to use modern contraceptives?
  41. The impact of COVID-19 among women
  42. All about hypertension and its management in women
  43. Thyroid during pregnancy
  44. Addressing pelvic floor issues among women
  45. The need to breastfeed: what influences the decision?
  46. Are supplements necessary during pregnancy?
  47. Vaginal vs. caesarian births: What factors influence either option?
  48. Signs of uterine incontinence in women
  49. The signs of endometriosis
  50. Addressing diet during pregnancy
  51. Top five signs to watch out for when having painful bleeding

Pediatric Nursing Research Topics

  1. The effects of sexual abuse in children
  2. Organic foods vs. GMO: Which one suits children?
  3. Addressing ADHD in children below 5 years
  4. Managing processed sugar addiction in children
  5. Caring for children with asthma
  6. Alleviating meningitis in children
  7. Why CPS in the US should look into the mental health of children in foster care
  8. How to know a psychologically abused child
  9. Addressing epilepsy in children
  10. How diet impacts your child’s development and wellbeing
  11. Alleviating child obesity in the US
  12. The side effects of antibiotics in kids with chronic flu
  13. Nursing children with heart disease back to health
  14. How nurses can promote sex education to children
  15. The role of public health advocacy in streamlining pediatric care
  16. The impact of alcohol cleaning on infants’ wounds
  17. Healthcare management information system for pediatric care
  18. Assisting children with physical deformities
  19. Robotic in surgery among pediatric patients
  20. Macro trends affecting pediatric patients’ outcomes in the US
  21. How violence among parents affects their children
  22. The effects of high infant mortality rates in healthcare facilities
  23. How to prevent kidney stones among children
  24. Can children suffer hypertension and other lifestyle disorders
  25. What can nurses do to improve services for children with cancer?
  26. Addressing sleep apnea in children below 10 years
  27. Exploring transition care for children with chronic conditions
  28. Pediatric nursing education and training
  29. The role of nurses in pediatric palliative care
  30. The common non-communicable diseases affecting children in the US
  31. Children with asthma
  32. Holistic nursing practices applied in pediatric care
  33. How culture affects children
  34. Discussing the mental health wellbeing of immigrant children
  35. Ways nurses can cope with children who fear needles
  36. Performing insulin treatment for children
  37. Problems occurred during pain management in children
  38. Improved systems for relapse prevention for children born with substance addiction
  39. Caring for a child with terminal disease
  40. Addressing measles complications in kids
  41. Newborn hygiene practices
  42. Exploring STEM cell solutions for pediatric nursing
  43. The role of nurses in promoting healthy diet among children
  44. How nurses can address pain management in children
  45. Children with cancer
  46. Educating children on the importance of personal hygiene
  47. How nurses can advocate for gender balance in children healthcare
  48. The effectiveness of nurses for pediatric patients
  49. Health-related behaviors among children
  50. Is separation anxiety a breeding ground for serious mental health problems in children?

Health Promotion Nursing Research Topics

Health promotion is one of the focal functions nurses partake. As a BSN, MSN, or DNP student, you will be pleased to learn new things about health promotions and how they impact nurses thanks to these topics

  1. Creating awareness on the ways to prevent cyberbullying
  2. Educating adults on sexually transmitted diseases prevention
  3. Adopting physical fitness programs for your wellbeing
  4. Revising the nursing code-of-ethics
  5. Health education to promote healthy lifestyle habits among adults
  6. Creating health awareness for caregivers living with relatives with chronic illnesses
  7. Tracking the behavioral tendencies for geriatric patients with dementia
  8. Promoting basic vaccinations for infants in the marginalized areas of the US
  9. Why instructional programs given in physiotherapy
  10. Promoting awareness for the management of patients with AIDS
  11. Educating the public on diet change to prevent Type II diabetes
  12. Basic precautions for preventing the spread of communicable diseases
  13. Creating awareness of the best family planning methods among millenials
  14. The role of HPV education
  15. Interventional initiatives for dealing with obesity among adults working from home
  16. Promoting probiotic supplements in treating gut health issues
  17. The challenges nurses encounter when promoting health awareness
  18. Why nutritional education should be emphasized in schools of the US
  19. The role of post-COVID-19 pandemic awareness
  20. Nursing educators’ role in the fight against gender-based violence
  21. The roles played by nurses in pediatric care education
  22. The training of nurses in palliative care service delivery
  23. Promoting sex education in schools: Nurses’ role
  24. Creating public health awareness and access in America
  25. Promoting mental health among kids
  26. Educating mothers about child care in rural areas
  27. Advocating for STD prevention in recreational areas
  28. Policy, systems, and environmental change for reorienting health services
  29. Analyzing health promotion theories and knowledge
  30. The role of nurses in promoting health
  31. Nurses health promotion manual for adults with obesity
  32. Hay fever: health promotion
  33. The roles of nurses in community health
  34. Health promotion model in nursing
  35. A comprehensive insight into smoking and health promotion in the UK
  36. An overview of kidney disease: a health promotion manual
  37. Nurses’ role in health promotion and disease control
  38. Public health promotion: Nurses’ interventions
  39. Health education and promotion of healthy lifestyle habits
  40. How nurses can promote health literacy
  41. Putting immunization campaigns for disease prevention into action
  42. Educating the public on hand hygiene to prevent infections in hospitals
  43. Health education in schools
  44. Health promotion for geriatric patients
  45. Using e-learning for patient engagement in health promotion
  46. How public health promotion can improve life’s quality
  47. The systematic review of health promotions
  48. Creating awareness of emerging communicable diseases: a nurse’s handbook
  49. Health education and promotion for asthma patients
  50. How nurses can advocate for infant protection: health promotion plan

Patient Falls Nursing Capstone Project Ideas

This is a pretty sensitive area that most nurses encounter in their day-to-day activities. Therefore, ensure you choose a topic with in-depth information so that you don’t dilute your content.

  1. The importance of public health advocacy in the fight against patient falls
  2. Patient education on hospital falls
  3. Empowering patients to prevent falls in hospitals
  4. Why older adults are at a risk of falls
  5. Conducting falls risk assessment: a comprehensive approach
  6. After a fall: What measures can I take?
  7. The benefits of hip fracture prevention and care
  8. A holistic approach to falls in patients: what role can you play?
  9. Going through the risk factors in an individualized care flan
  10. How a medical condition can impact the risk of fall for any patient (at any age)
  11. Preventing falls: simple tips to apply in everyday life
  12. Can a fall affect your quality of life?
  13. Safety measurements of nurses at the workplace to prevent falls
  14. Review of nurses’ occupational hazards for falls
  15. The basic precautions required for patients with hip problems
  16. Should hospitals with slippery floors be rendered negligent of frequent patient falls?
  17. Navigating life after hip surgery to prevent falls
  18. Reviewing a nurse’s tools for fall risk assessment
  19. How to prevent falls at home
  20. How to modify your home to manage falls
  21. Assessing fall risks: reviewing the Morse fall risk scale
  22. Educating the public on fall and safety measures
  23. Who is at more risk of falls: women or men?
  24. Discussing the risk of falls in patients with osteoporosis
  25. Frequency of falls due to arthritis
  26. Hospital areas with frequent cases of falls
  27. How nurse leaders can advocate for falls prevention in hospitals
  28. How technology can be used to monitor and prevent patient falls
  29. Patient falls prevention and interventions
  30. How nurses and pharmacists can work together to prevent falls
  31. The ethical considerations surrounding falls in hospitals
  32. The impact of falls in older patients
  33. Why patients aged 65+ years are at more risk of falls
  34. Navigating emergency care for patient falls
  35. The significance of visiting home nurses in alleviating in-patient falls
  36. The engineering tools for preventing patient falls
  37. An overview of standardized fall risk assessment tool
  38. Navigating life after a fall
  39. Things you never knew about the gravity of falls on a patient’s quality of life
  40. Safety education activities for geriatric patients
  41. Fall management in hospitals
  42. Nurses’ involvement in falls emergencies
  43. Caring for patients who’ve developed hip problems due to falls
  44. Strategizing hourly rounding and fall reduction among elderly patients
  45. Body parts commonly affected by falls
  46. Falls prevention, intervention, and management
  47. Streamlining falls prevention strategies in nursing homes
  48. How technology can detect and prevent falls’ risk factors
  49. Mental health issues that can aggravate falls
  50. How to identify a fall risk patient

Nursing Leadership Capstone Project Ideas

Nursing leaders are part of the healthcare backbone.  If this is your area of interest, you will have an easy time appreciating their roles and suggest better options to promote their leadership. Choose one of these topics for your inspiration.

  1. Proactive, collaborative, and strategic actions to be achieved by nursing managers
  2. The significance of nursing management and leadership
  3. How nurse managers can offer vital functions to promote healthy work environments
  4. Why charisma in leadership among nurses is vital
  5. Expert developmental strategies for nurses
  6. The relationship between nursing leadership and patient satisfaction
  7. What are the administrative challenges that adult nursing staff face in the UK?
  8. How nurses can promote interpersonal relationships with other healthcare professionals
  9. Nurse management and patient advocacy: Do the two relate?
  10. Content creators who are nurses in the US
  11. Exploring nursing leadership styles
  12. One-on-one interview with a nurse
  13. The attributes of a good nurse manager
  14. Nurse leaders as revolutionary agents in healthcare
  15. How will nursing organizations determine the future of healthcare
  16. Why nurses should go for regular trainings
  17. How nurse leaders can initiate and implement healthcare change
  18. Education, skills, and experience required for different nurse leader’s roles
  19. How nurse leaders can prevent mayhems in emergency rooms
  20. Alleviating nurse burnouts: Can nurse leaders help out?
  21. The impact of nurse leadership
  22. Nurse leadership positions in the US and UK
  23. Legislative practices surrounding nursing leadership
  24. The facts about nurse leadership
  25. The top five rewarding nurse leadership positions
  26. Reducing conflicts as a nurse leader
  27. The relationship between nurse leadership and change management
  28. Nurse leaders’ ethical practices handbook
  29. How to improve nurse leadership styles
  30. Public policy shaping: nurse leaders’ involvement
  31. What makes a good nurse leader?- Professional and interpersonal roles
  32. Nurse leaders’ involvement in addressing inflation in medication by pharmaceutical companies
  33. What will nurse leadership look like in 2050?
  34. Can nursing practitioners be leaders?
  35. Grooming nursing students for leadership
  36. Nursing leadership roles
  37. Nurse leaders in developed countries vs. developing countries
  38. The limitations of being a nurse leader
  39. Government representatives who are nurse leaders
  40. How nurse leaders can mentor budding nurses
  41. Nurse leaders who made headlines for their exceptional work
  42. Nurse leaders advocating for patient confidentiality
  43. Training manual for nurse managers
  44. How nurse managers can increase work productivity among healthcare professionals
  45. Nurse leaders who were involved in malpractices
  46. Nurse leadership styles and patient outcomes
  47. Nurse leadership in streamlining efficient pediatric care
  48. What nurse managers can do to promote effective care in healthcare settings
  49. Keeping nurse leaderships abreast with the latest technologies
  50. Nurse leaders’ relationship with pharmacists

Emergency Nursing Capstone Project Ideas

Did you know that emergency nurse practitioners have become a wider solution for reducing pressure off doctors and other healthcare professionals? Consequently, you will find these ideas inspiring because most of them haven’t been fully explored.

  1. How e-services have improved ER procedures
  2. How the government can improve ER services to people in rural areas
  3. Addressing children’s PTSD after an ER experience
  4. Organizational strategies for improving triage and psychiatric screening
  5. Educating the public on ER services
  6. Easy ways to simplify emergency calls
  7. Ways to improve payment for in-patients in the ER
  8. Which nurse is responsible for patients in the ER?
  9. The advantages of tracking patients in the ER using an app: How can family and friends benefit?
  10. Maintaining composure when serving patients in the ER
  11. Where should the ER patient’s family stay during resuscitation?
  12. Which capacity can an ambulance accommodate?
  13. Do ER tools and equipment need replacement?
  14. Receiving patients after terrorist attacks and disasters in the ER
  15. Personal preparedness in the ER
  16. Developing and evaluating emergency response systems
  17. Examining the challenges nurses face in ER
  18. Assessing communication strategies between nurses and doctors in ER
  19. ER safety tips
  20. Educating patients about ER activities
  21. ER safety manual
  22. How to deal with asthmatic patients
  23. Handling relatives of patients in the ER
  24. Surveys and assessments for measuring patient’s urgency for ER services
  25. Streamlining communication between nurses and the ambulance team
  26. How to handle overwhelming ER walk-ins
  27. Transitioning a patient from the ER to in-patient settings
  28. Handling patients with high-risk pregnancies
  29. Wound care
  30. Dealing with patients with illicit substance overdose
  31. The PPE for ER nurses
  32. How nurse leaders can improve ER services
  33. Health education programs in the ER
  34. Nurse training on ER services
  35. Challenges ER nurses face
  36. The role of ER nurses
  37. The role of mobile technology in making public health education programs friendly
  38. Communication issues ER nurse face
  39. How nurses manage medical emergencies in the UK
  40. Detail how to help children with internal bleeding
  41. The benefits and pitfalls of an ER department
  42. Exploring the efficacy of utilizing the implanted venous access device in the ER
  43. Personal development in ER nursing
  44. The impact of technology advancement in the ER
  45. How nurses and critical caregivers communicate with patients in the ICU
  46. The tools and devices that must be in an ER
  47. The critical challenges that adult ER nurses face
  48. How COVID-19 pandemic has improved ER services
  49. Investigating the impact of nursing interventions in emergency response for older adults
  50. Patient safety in emergency settings

Capstone Project Topics on Nursing Burnout

The COVID-19 pandemic was the one time that nurses globally faced burnout. That is why we find these topics worth your area of interest:

  1. The facts and myths of nurse burnout
  2. Detecting and avoiding nurse burnout early
  3. How nurse burnout can affect patients’ outcome
  4. The relationship between nurse burnout and patient falls
  5. Navigating burnout as a nurse
  6. Acknowledging and analyzing burnout in nurses
  7. How the management can mitigate nurse burnout
  8. The rationale of training communication skills to deal with nurse burnout
  9. Should nurse burnout be introduced as a course in the universities?
  10. How different countries dealt with nurse burnout during COVID-19
  11. Literature review on the stress and burnout among nurses in the ICUs
  12. The signs that you’re facing burnout as a nurse
  13. The relationship between meditation programs and stress management: nurse’s manual
  14. Why 1*1 meetings are necessary to address nurse burnout
  15. How nurse leaders can prevent burnout in the emergency room
  16. Discussing burnout syndrome in nurses and healthcare workers
  17. Can technology be used to evaluate burnout among nurses?
  18. Definition of nurse burnout
  19. Nurse burnout and its long-term effects
  20. What to do when you face burnout as a nurse
  21. Why job rotation is a perfect remedy for nurse burnout
  22. Addressing burnout through yoga
  23. When to request leave due to burnout
  24. How nurses navigate burnout
  25. Is nurse burnout an occupational hazard?
  26. Why overwhelmed nurses are at risk of developing mental health problems
  27. Can a healthcare facility survive if all nurses are burned out
  28. Why inadequate sleep is a predisposing factor for a burnout
  29. The relationship between burnout, anxiety and stress
  30. Job shadowing: Is it an efficient burnout remedy for nurses?
  31. How nurses with burnout can communicate with others
  32. Creating support groups for nurses with burnout
  33. How nurses can bounce back after burnout
  34. Mindfulness training for nurses with burnout
  35. Addressing nursing shortage due to burnout
  36. Physical and mental wellness programs to address nurse burnout
  37. Antimicrobial stewardship programs for nurses
  38. Lean thinking in caregiving
  39. Addressing the stigma associated by nurse burnout
  40. The prevalence of burnout among psychiatry nurses
  41. Implementing technology to alleviate nurse stress
  42. Factors leading to the severity of a nurse’s burnout
  43. The role of counselors in addressing nurse burnout
  44. The characteristics of nurse burnout
  45. Impact of nurse leadership on staff burnout
  46. The attitude of other healthcare workers towards overwhelmed nurses
  47. Evaluating the big data in clinical depression among nurses with stress
  48. Nutritional management during a burnout
  49. Home environment assessment for overwhelmed nurses
  50. Home stress-free modifications for nurses
  51. Nursing interventions to prevent stress
  52. Investigating the causes of nurse burnout in ER and ICUs

Managed Nursing Care Topic Ideas for Dissertations, Term Papers, and Nursing EssaysBeyond Project Ideas: Additional Support

  1. Online reality impact analysis on nursing education
  2. Meditation effects investigation on nurse stress reduction
  3. Alternative organizational strategies research for nursing leadership
  4. The relationship between unhealthy diet and mental health
  5. Artificial intelligence role examination in nursing
  6. Developing protocols for reducing medication errors in critical care
  7. Discussing the implementation of family-focused models in the ICU and their impact on patient outcome
  8. How mental health nurses aid in suicide prevention
  9. How ER nurses aid in reducing sudden deaths
  10. Pain management plan for patients with substance use disorders
  11. Assessing pain management initiatives in patients with dementia
  12. Evaluating pediatric care in the ER: the preparedness and competencies of pediatric nurses
  13. Importance of nursing education: Its effectiveness and preparedness
  14. Evaluating the role of community nursing in creating access to healthcare services in rural areas
  15. Why people with chronic diseases have poor quality of life
  16. Occupational hazards of nurses in private healthcare facilities
  17. How nurses implement standard precaution in hospitals
  18. How nurses can provide psychological support to adults with heart disease
  19. How nurse-to-patient ratio influences the quality of care
  20. Communication strategies between nurses and healthcare professionals
  21. How technology has revolutionized healthcare
  22. How to care for in-patient clients
  23. The benefits and drawbacks of being a nurse leader
  24. How nurses navigate child abuse cases in the US
  25. Preparing yourself to go back to work as a nurse after a maternity’s leave
  26. Healthcare policies that protect nurses
  27. Why children under- five’s mental and emotional health should be reviewed
  28. The effects of mentally incapacitated parents on children
  29. The effects of lifestyle changes of patients with type 2 diabetes
  30. Assessing the declining trend of obesity in the UK
  31. Analyzing why menopausal age for women keep going down
  32. Analyzing the link between early childhood sexual abuse and adulthood mental health conditions
  33. The role of NHS on elderly patients
  34. Accessing mental health providers and nurses in rural areas
  35. The skills, training, and experience required by ER nurses
  36. Why third-world countries report increased food-related illnesses than developed countries
  37. Public health education and advocacy
  38. Nurse leadership traits and styles
  39. Pre-menstrual and post-menstrual syndrome
  40. Critical challenges ER doctors and nurses encounter
  41. Dealing with children with ADHD
  42. The scope and standards of palliative nursing
  43. The effects of prolonged pharmacological methods on patients with dementia
  44. Rehabilitation plans for patients with brain stroke
  45. Analyzing the staffing procedures of assigning nurses to emergency care
  46. Cognitive skills required for being a pediatric nurse

This guide recognizes that the journey doesn’t end with selecting a topic. We’ve included resources to help with doing a DNP project:

Importance of Capstone Projects to Nursing Students

  1. Nursing students can combine everything they’ve learned and hone their skills, demonstrating their prowess in solving real-world healthcare problems
  2. Students can acquire interpersonal skills like good communication, teamwork, and empathy to their work areas
  3. It is a stepping stone for nursing students to their dream jobs. They can include nursing capstone projects in their resumes/CVs to demonstrate their competitive edge to potential employers, proving they’re qualified for the workforce
  4. Students can confidently prove their worth and sense of accomplishment through these academic papers
  • H2: Nursing Research Process Components

This revolves around the following sequential steps:

  1. Problem identification

Identify your idea of interest to form questions that you will answer through the data collection. You can retrieve your topic through your clinical rounds, theories, and literature. This step also involves findings, challenges, reviews of the limitations, and scope coverage.

  1. Establishing the study’s purpose

Here, you describe what you intend to study and why, hoping to evaluate the same practice, foretell a solution to the problem and suggest the measures for mitigating the problem.

  1. Literature review

Here, you illustrate other scholars’ views on the topic. You rely on this section to unravel the measures, procedures, and measuring methods for investigating the problem. Essentially, it addresses the gaps made by other researchers and informs the readers about the benefits of your research experience.

  1. Defining the objectives and questions

Ensure you combine data from the literature review and merge it with the research problem to suggest room for future research. You can use precise and declarative objectives and questions to direct your readers to the next segment.

  1. Methodology

This is the outline you use to get subjects, collect, and analyze data. In addition, you can specific the demographics to be studied

  1. Conducting pilot study

Here, you put a plan into action. Remember to include spontaneous problems that might occur and suggest ways for improving them.

  1. Data collection

Obtain informed permission from stakeholders and other agencies

  1. Data analysis

The data analysis depends on your research approach so ensure you scrutinize your data collection for accuracy.

  1. Data interpretation

Providing in-depth meaning of your data analysis indicating what they imply, how they impact others, and the recommendations you can make to aid your research

  1. Research development and dissemination

Communicate your findings to the relevant audiences either in writing or orally. Remember to make your report brief, concise and well-organized.


Why was it named a “capstone” project?

A “capstone” means a crowning milestone of an academic program. It integrates all the skills and knowledge acquired throughout a learning process. That means you will present the paper last to culminate a whole academic program.

Between a thesis paper and capstone, which is complex?

What we have gathered while offering online assistance with writing a DNP project is that a capstone project is less complex than a thesis.  The latter is laborious and time-intensive because it takes two to three years, while the former takes between one to two semesters to complete. That’s because you use a thesis paper to demonstrate your knowledge and skills in the practical application.

Which is the best tip for selecting a nursing capstone topic?

While there are hundreds of topics to explore, you must first identify your area of interest. Is it nursing leadership, mental health, pediatric care, emergency care, or nursing promotions? If you have an idea of what you’re passionate about, choose a topic with adequate content and hasn’t been overly explored by other students. Doing so encourages other students to follow in your footsteps to develop other ideas that can be useful to nursing in the healthcare setting.


Reference list

Lynch George, Nursing Dissertation Topics, 2023